Recruiting Resources for Search Committees

This webpage supplements and updates the recruiting and networking resources listed in our publication, Searching for Excellence and Diversity: A Guide for Search Committees. The resources listed below include publications and organizations that will help you recruit women and scholars from groups currently underrepresented in academia for your open positions.

We recommend using these resources to supplement your advertisements in key journals of specific disciplines and in general academic publications such as The Chronicle of Higher Education or Science and Science Careers.

Please contact us to make suggestions for additions and notify us of corrections and/or broken links.

For general advice and discussion about recruiting for excellent and diverse faculty members, please see “Element II: Actively Recruit An Excellent and Diverse Pool of Candidates” in Searching for Excellence and Diversity: A Guide for Search Committees.

UW-Madison Resources

  • The Office of Human Resources (OHR)
    The Office of Human Resources webpage, Diversity Advertising and Job Board Integrations, provides valuable information and resources for recruiting applicants. It includes a list of organizations and publications to which all UW-Madison job openings are automatically posted and a supplemental list of diversity-focused publications and media outlets you can consider contacting to purchase advertisements. They also have a general recruitment toolkit page with many useful resources available, such as their list of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Interview Questions.
  • Division of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Achievement (DDEEA)
    The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Achievement (DDEAA) serves as a resource and a partner on diversity and inclusion issues of UW-Madison’s four shared governance group and coordinates campus compliance with federal and state affirmative action, employment, and disabilities laws. Luis Piñero, Senior Special Assistant for Workforce Equity, Diversity Education and Outreach and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, can provide you with valuable assistance throughout your search. You can consult with him about your recruitment plans, campus visits for final candidates, and policies and procedures regarding searches on campus.
  • Office of Compliance
    The Office of Compliance provides guidance on Wisconsin Public Records Law for UW-Madison employees, which stipulates that documents created and maintained by UW-Madison, including electronic records, be accessible to members of the public who request them. Examples: emails, photos, videos, audio files, meeting minutes, reports, spreadsheets, database content, instant messages, text messages, and virtual workplace chat content, channel discussion, and files including MS Team, Zoom, Webex chats or recordings, etc.
  • Equity and Diversity Committees
    Every school, college, or division on campus has an Equity and Diversity Committee (EDC) or Representative. These committees, their officers and/or members may provide you with valuable assistance and resources. Many EDC’s maintain websites and provide helpful resources.
  • Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Programs
    The Vice-Provost for Faculty and Staff Programs leads a Faculty Diversity Initiative, providing information and substantial resources to assist with the recruitment and hiring of diverse and excellent faculty. These include the following:

    • Faculty Diversity Initiative: Anna Julia Cooper Postdoctoral Fellowship
      This fellowship provides one academic year free from teaching in which the person hired can set up their research before beginning their probationary period as an assistant professor.
    • Faculty Diversity Initiative: Nellie McKay Fellowship
      This fellowship provides one academic year free from teaching so that faculty may devote the year to their research and service.
    • Dual Career Couple Programs
      This initiative provides central funding from the Office of the Provost to make it possible to recruit or retain a tenure-track faculty member by hiring the spouse/partner into a faculty tenure-track or tenured position, or a long-term academic staff or university staff position. Priority will be given to dual-career hires that will contribute to faculty diversity, i.e., where hiring the partner/spouse will help in hiring or retaining a faculty member from an historically underrepresented group.
  • Colleagues who are women and/or members of underrepresented groups
    Consult with campus colleagues who are women and/or members of underrepresented groups. They may be able to provide valuable advice, connect you to any organizations to which they belong, and use their own professional networks to aid you in your search.

Directories of PhD Recipients

  • Ford Fellows Directory
    The Ford Foundation Fellowship Program seeks “to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.” The Fellowships Office of the National Resource Council maintains a searchable directory of Ford Fellowship recipients. “The directory is searchable by key words including fellowship award year, field of study, fellowship institution and other data that Ford Fellows elect to share. To date, there are over 2,700 Ford Fellows. This database … allows universities and other institutions to conduct employment and expertise searches for highly trained and talented academics from diverse backgrounds.”
  • Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Scholar’s Progam’s Online Scholar Directory
    “The ‘Scholar Directory’ is a database that showcases more than 1,000 accomplished doctoral scholars and successful Ph.D. recipients who are committed to pursuing careers in the professoriate. It consists of scholars from: the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), the National Institutes of Health (Bridges to the Professoriate NIGMS-MARC), the Alfred P. Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership (SIGP), NASA Harriett Jenkins Pre-doctoral Fellowship, the National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), the National Science Foundation Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE), and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Minority PhD Program(SLOAN). The database … includes access to: vitae, profiles, research and scholarship areas, as well as other information for all doctoral scholars and Ph.D. recipients who have attended the Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, the largest gathering of minority Ph.D.s and Ph.D. candidates in the nation.” Access to the database is available by purchasing an annual subscription.
  • The National Registry of Diverse & Strategic Faculty — “The Registry”
    This registry aims to be a “resource for tenure track/academic ladder faculty members from underrepresented groups and for institutions of higher education seeking to hire highly accomplished and qualified candidates for open faculty positions.” Institutions pay an annual membership fee to post positions and gain access to the registry. A list of institutions that subscribe to this registry is listed here. If your institution is listed, you can email “The Registry” to determine who to contact for userid and password information.

Organizations, Publications, and Job Listing Sites

  • AABHE — American Association of Black in Higher Education
    The American Association of Blacks in Higher Education (AABHE) “has a rich history of representing African Americans in higher education on national and international levels … Over the years, AABHE has been involved in numerous initiatives such as addressing the pipeline of Black faculty and staff in higher education.” It hosts an annual conference and offers several awards.
  • AAHHE — American Assoication of Hispanics in Higher Eduction
    The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) addresses issues and concerns affecting Hispanics, with a focus on higher education. It hosts annual conferences, offers fellowships and awards, and includes a job posting board.
  • Diverse: Issues in Higher Education
    Published every two weeks, Diverse: Issues in Higher Education provides “coverage, commentary, and analysis of higher education for and about underrepresented and historically excluded groups.” This “premier news source” for information on issues of diversity in higher education is available in print and online. The “job site” of Diverse: Issues on Higher Education, “DiverseJobs” enables employers to post job openings for faculty and university/college administrative positions.
  • HERC — The National Higher Education Recruiting Consortium
    As collaborative associations of universities and colleges, HERCs aim to help member institutions work together in “addressing faculty and staff dual career and employment outreach challenges on their campuses.” HERCs exist in many regions of the United States and “maintain regional, web-based search engines that include listings for all job openings, both faculty and staff, at all member institutions. The services at the websites are available at no charge to anyone seeking employment in higher education. The centrality of job postings and regional resources as well as the website’s ability to accommodate dual career searches distinguishes HERC from other employment websites.” Member institutions can “post an unlimited number of faculty, staff and executive job listings on the website, and all HERC jobs are cross-posted on the National HERC website and two leading job boards; and” A listing of the regional HERCs and links to their websites is available here.
  • Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education
    The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education is “a top information news source and the sole Hispanic educational magazine for the higher education community, and those involved in running our institutions of higher learning. … Each issue brings forth the significance of communication in academic circles, the importance of positive learning experiences, role models, and the contributions of both Hispanic and non-Hispanic writers with constructive observations on policies and procedures in academia. Working with an influential editorial board made up of accomplished academic professionals, H/O presents progressive feature articles that provide constructive discussion of issues confronted by Hispanics and others on the college campus and in industry.” Advertising position openings in H/O allows employers to reach a highly multicultural audience.
  • INSIGHT into Diversity
    INSIGHT into Diversity, formerly the Affirmative Action Register, aims to connect “professionals with institutions and businesses that embrace a workforce that reflects our world.” Their free magazine and online recruitment site serves employers and job seekers in the fields of “higher education, healthcare, government, and business.” Employers can post job openings online and/or advertise in print editions. Job seekers can search for job openings and post their résumés online.
  • Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
    “The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education is dedicated to the conscientious investigation of the status and prospects for African Americans in higher education.” Employers may post job openings online or advertise in the print edition of the journal.
  • Latinos in Higher Ed
    This web site aims to “promote career opportunities in higher education for the growing Latino population.” It connects employers “with the largest pool of Latino professionals in higher education in the United States, Puerto Rico and internationally by disseminating employment opportunities to registered candidates and a national network of Latino-serving organizations and listservs.”
  • Southern Regional Education Board Job Listings
    The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) provides mentoring and advise to minority doctoral scholars. In addition to the “Scholar Directory” described above, the SREB provides a free job posting service that universities across the country can use to list open positions.
  • Women in Higher Education
    Women in Higher Education is a monthly news journal that focuses on issues of gender in higher education. It reaches “thousands of talented women leaders on campuses all over the USA, Canada, and worldwide on the internet.” Employers can list position openings in the print and/or online editions.

All STEM fields

  • AISES — American Indian Science and Engineering Society
    AISES strives “to substantially increase the representation of American Indian and Alaskan Natives in engineering, science, mathematics, and other related technology disciplines.” The AISES website offers a job board where employers can post job opportunities. AISES also publishes a quarterly magazine, Winds of Change. As “the premier nationally distributed magazine published with a single-minded focus on career and educational advancement for American Indian and Alaska Native people in STEM,” Winds of Change can be a “valuable recruitment tool for corporations, government agencies, tribal and non-tribal businesses, and colleges and universities across the US.”
  • AWIS — Association for Women in Science
    “Dedicated to achieving equity and full participation for all women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” AWIS provides an online job bank in which employers can list job openings and view posted résumés. Job announcements can also be advertised in the AWIS Magazine.
  • Out to Innovate
    This organization empowers LGBTQ+ individuals in STEM by providing education, advocacy, professional development, networking, and peer support.  Out to Innovate educates all communities regarding scientific, technological, and medical concerns of LGBTQ+ people.  Recipients of the organization’s recognition awards, particularly recipients of the LGBTQ+ Educator of the Year Award, may help publicize job listings and/or recommend candidates.
    “SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to advancing Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in … science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research, teaching, leadership, and policy.” Institutions may post job announcements online.

Biological Sciences

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  • AAI — American Association of Immunologists: Minority Affairs Committee
    The AAI’s Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) “generates and promotes programs that assure equal treatment of all professional immunologists on the basis of merit. [It] focuses on activities that advance the scientific development and career opportunities for minority scientists.” The MAC maintains a List of Minority Members. The members included on this list range “from established investigators to trainees.” Search committee members can rely on this list as a resource for expanding professional networks, seeking assistance in disseminating information about job openings, and requesting refferals to potential job applicants.
  • APS — American Physiological Society: Porter Physiology Development and Minority Affairs Committee
    “APS Minority Programs are designed to increase the overall participation of minorities from those racial and ethnic groups which are currently underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields in the United States.” Resources most helpful to search committees seeking to increase the diversity of their applicant pool include lists of recipients of The Porter Physiology Development Fellowship and Minority Travel Fellowships. The Manager of Diversity Programs and/or members of the Porter Physiology Development and Minority Affairs Committee may help disseminate information about job openings to past and current award recipients and/or refer search committee members to qualified applicants.
  • APS — American Physiological Society: Women in Physiology Committee
    The APS Women in Physiology Committee administers a mentoring program for junior physiologists and manages an award honoring excellence in both research and mentoring. The committee also monitors the representation of women in the society and among nominees and recipients of the “Excellence in Science Award” administered by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology’s (FSAEB). This group may serve as a valuable resource for search committee members seeking to expand professional networks, disseminate information about job openings, and obtain referrals to potential job applicants.
  • ASBMB — American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    • Minority Affairs Committee: “Strives to increase cultural diversity in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology by increasing participation, visibility, and status of minorities withing the society.”  Committee members are listed on this webpage.
    • Ruth Kirschstein Diversity in Science Award: Honors “an outstanding scientist who has shown a strong commitment to the encouragement of underrepresented minorities to enter the scientific enterprise and/or to the effective mentorship of those within it.” Past award receipients are listed on this webpage.
    • Women in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: “Advocates for women in biochemistry and molecular biology, both in academia and in industry by increasing participation, visibility, and status of women withing the scientific community.” Committee members are listed here.
  • ASCB — American Society for Cell Biology: Minority Affairs Committee
    As part of its goal “to increase the number of underrepresented minority scientists,” the ASCB’s Minority Affairs Committee works to promote the professional development of minority scientists by mentoring minority scientists at all levels, from undergraduate students through junior faculty members, and to “establish a network involving minority scientists and minority science students.” The committee offers a number of programs including a Visiting Professorship Award that provides “research support for professors at minority-serving institutions to work in the laboratories of members of the American Society for Cell Biology” during the summer, a Poster Session held during the ASCB annual meeting and the E.E. Just Lectureship and Award presented at the ASCB Annual Meeting “to acknowledge an outstanding minority life scientist.” Participating in the Visiting Professorship Award program and attending the E.E. Just Lecture and the Minority Affairs Committees’ Poster Session can help departmental and search committee members expand the diversity of their professional networks. In addition, search committee members can contact members of the Minority Affairs Committee (listed on their website) to ask for referrals to potential job applicants and for assistance in publicizing job openings.
  • ASCB — American Society for Cell Biology: Women in Cell Biology (WICB)
    A longstanding committee of the ASCB, WICB addresses issues of “underrespresentation of women in academia in general and in cell biology in particular.” WICB produces monthly columns for the ASCB Newsletter, provides several professional development programs for women scientists, and presents career recognition awards at the ASCM Annual Meeting. The Junior Award recognizes exceptional scientific contributions by “a woman in an early stage of her career” and the Senior Award recognizes “a woman or man in a later career stage” who combines “outstanding scientific achievement [with] a a long-standing record of support for women in science.” Recipients of these awards are listed on the WICB webpage. Search committee members can rely on this listing as well as on the list of the WICB’s committee leadership to expand their professional networks, seek refferals to potential job applicants, and publicize position openings.
  • FSAEB — Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology: Resources to Enhance Diversity in Science
    As “the nation’s largest coalition of biomedical researchers,” FSAEB represents “23 scientific societies and over 100,000 researchers from around the world.” Its Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program supports “the training and advancement of underrepresented minority students, postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty and research scientists.” Several of the resources FSAEB provides for underrepresented minority students and scientists may be useful to members of search committees. These include contact information for MARC program staff and for representatives of the minority affairs/diversity affairs committees of FASEB member societies. These individuals may help disseminate information about job openings to participants in their programs and/or provide advice on recruiting underrepresented faculty applicants. In addition, the FASEB MARC Program maintains a “Peer Mentors Network.” Members of this network are “graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty members who serve as peer mentors for the many minority undergraduate students” who attend the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) meeting. Search committee members seeking to expand the inclusivity of their professional networks and actively recruit underrepresented scholars can find biographies and contact information for members of the Peer Mentors Network on FSAEB’s website.

Computer Sciences & Information Technology


  • AISES — American Indian Science and Engineering Society
    AISES strives “to substantially increase the representation of American Indian and Alaskan Natives in engineering, science, mathematics, and other related technology disciplines. The AISES website offices a Career Hub and Opportunities Board where employers can post job opportunities and view a searchable résumé database. AISES also publishes a quarterly magazine, Winds of Change. As “the premier nationally distributed magazine published with a single-minded focus on career and educational advancement for American Indian and Alaska Native people in STEM,” Winds of Change can be a “valuable recruitment tool for corporations, government agencies, tribal and non-tribal businesses, and colleges and universities across the US.”
  • ELATE — Executive Leadership in Academic Technology and Engineering
    ELATE “is a national leadership development program designed to advance senior women faculty in academic engineering, computer science, and related fields into effective institutional leadership roles within their schools and universities.” A directory of ELATE alumnae is available on this website. ELATE also posts position announcements in their e-newsletter, the ELATE Edge, that is peridoically sent to members of the ELATE communicty.
  • NOBCChE — National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
    NOBCChE initiates and supports “programs that assist people of color in fully realizing their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and related fields.” In addition to promoting “careers in science and technology … NOBCChE encourages college students to pursue graduate degrees in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.” Employers can post job openings and gain access to NOBCChE’s database of résumés.
  • NSBE — National Society of Black Engineers
    NSBE works “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.” NSBE maintains a Job Placement Center that enables members to post resumes. Employers can post job openings in this online Job Placement Center.
  • SHPE — Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
    As a national network of professional engineers and student chapters, SHPE aims to “enhance and achieve the potential of Hispanics in engineering, math and science.” Its career services page allows employers to post online job openings and jobseekers to post résumés.
  • SWE — Society of Women Engineers
    SWE seeks to “empower women to succeed and advance in the field of engineering, and to be recognized for their life-changing contributions as engineers and leaders.” SWE maintains a career center where employers can list open positions and search a database of résumés submitted by SWE members. Employers can also advertise positions in the SWE Magazine.
  • WEPAN — Women in Engineering ProActive Network
    WEPAN, a national network of more that 600 members from 150 college and university campuses, works “to transform culture in engineering education to attract, retain, and graduate women.” WEPAN’s annual conferences and its lists of award recipients provide opportunities for expanding professional networks and actively recruiting job applicants. WEPAN’s Career Center enables employers to post open positions and maintains a searchable database of potential applicants.

Mathematics & Statistics

  • AWM — Association for Women in Mathematics
    The purpose of AWM “is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences.” AWM’s website “receives over 10,000 visitors per month. These visitors are primarily female mathematicians and statisticians, both students and practitioners.” Search committees can advertise open positions and/or post links to job announcements on AWM’s job-site. In addition, faculty members can take advantage of recruiting and networking opportunities presented by the AWM Workshop for Women Graduate Students and Recent PhDs. Usually held in conjunction with major mathematical association meetings, the AWM workshop encourages all mathematicians, male and female, to view posters presented by selected women graduate students and to attend talks presented by selected post-docs. Similar networking opportunities are available by attending other events, lectures, and receptions that AWM hosts at mathematical association meetings.
  • Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
    This website highlights “the accomplishments of the peoples of Africa and the African Diaspora within the Mathematical Sciences.” It includes a listing that profiles approximately “ 300 mathematicians holding PhDs.” Women included in this listing are identified with a “W” placed adjacent to their name and in a separate listing, “Black Women in Mathematics.” Search committee members can use these listings to expand professional networks and solicit referrals to potential job applicants.
  • NAM — National Association of Mathematicians
    NAM’s main objectives are “the promotion of excellence in the mathematical sciences and the promotion of the mathematical development of African Americans and other underrepresented American minorities. It also aims to address the issue of the serious under-representation of minorities in the workforce of mathematical scientists.” NAM maintains a database of recent PhD recipients that search committee can use to recruit applicants. Search committees can also advertise job openings in NAM’s quarterly newsletter. Jobs advertised in the newsletter are also posted on NAM’s website. NAM provides opportunities for recruiting and networking by hosting lectures and events at the Joint Mathematical Societies Meetings.
  • SUMMA — Strengthening Underrepresented Minority Mathematics Achievement
    A program of the Mathematics Association of America (MAA), SUMMA aims “to increase the representation of minorities in the fields of mathematics, science and engineering and improve the mathematics education of minorities.” It maintains an archival record of American Ph.D.s in mathematics and mathematics education who are members of minority groups. Search committees can use this archive to expand professional networks and solicit referrals to potential job applicants.


  • College Art Association — Committee on Diversity Practices
    The goals of this committee include promoting “artistic, curatorial, scholarly, and institutional practices that deepen appreciation of political and cultural heterogeneity as educational and professional values.” The committee sponsors sessions at the College Art Associations annual meetings and plans to provide “a central listing of multicultural artists who could be called on by CAA members and their institutions as resources, whether as visiting artists, exhibitors, or guest speakers, or for research.”
  • College Art Association — Committee on Women in the Arts
    “The Committee on Women in the Arts promotes the scholarly study and recognition of the contributions by women to the visual arts; … monitors the status of women in the visual-arts professions; and researches and provides historic and current resources on feminist issues.” Its website lists members, sponsored conference sessions, and other resources.
  • Women’s Caucus for Art
    The goals of the Women’s Caucus for Art include “recognizing the contributions of women in the arts; providing women with leadership opportunities and professional development; expanding networking and exhibition opportunities for women; [and] advocating for equity in the arts for all.” Their website includes links to member’s webpages and publications, information about annual conferences, and lists of recipients of annual achievement awards.


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American Historical Association:

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Humanities - Other

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  • AALS – The Association of American Law Schools
    1. AALS Directory of Law Teachers
      Provided annually to the Dean’s office of all member law schools, “the Directory lists, by school, the full-time faculty and professional staff of all member and fee-paid law schools.” It includes biographical sketches, lists full-time teachers by subject taught, and provides separate listings of minority group law teachers and gay and lesbian law teachers.” The directory can help search committee expand professional networks and solicit recommended applicants.
    2. A list of AALS Sections, interest groups composed of faculty and professional staff of AALS member schools, is available on the AALS website. These sections present programs at the AALS Annual Meeting, provide newsletters for their membership, maintain listservs, and more. The sections on Minority Groups, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues, and Women in Legal Education can be valuable resources for faculty and search committees seeking to expand professional networks and diversify applicant pools.



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Social Work

Veterinary Medicine

  • Iverson Bell Award and Symposium
    Hosted biannually at the annual conference of The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC), the Iverson Bell Symposium promotes diversity in veterinary medicine and recognizes “outstanding leadership and contributions in promoting opportunities for underrepresented minorities in veterinary medical education.” Attending this symposium and establishing professional connections with symposium organizers, presenters, and award recipients can assist search committee members with their efforts to recruit diverse applicants for position openings. Recipients of the Iverson Bell Award may provide you with referrals to prospective job applicants.
  • AAVMC Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
    The AAVMC develops and participates “in activities which create greater awareness of educational and employment opportunities in veterinary medicine among underrepresented and disadvantaged groups.” Leaders of this committee, listed on the committee’s webpage, may provide you with valuable advice and referrals to potential job applicants.