Coming Soon
Safe and Thriving Research Environments
This workshop is intended to be delivered to laboratory groups (including faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, and students) to help create safe and thriving research environments. This training includes four central modules – research collaboration, research ethics, space, accessibility, and an additional fieldwork module (when applicable). As funders continue to require plans to ensure research groups are engaging in healthy, ethical, and inclusive ways, our hope is that this workshop can function as a training program for groups to learn and implement these concepts in addition to providing tools to help think through finalizing plans for funders.
Workshops at UW-Madison
Searching for Excellence & Diversity®
A Workshop Series for Faculty Search Committees
Workshops Beyond UW-Madison
Searching for Excellence & Diversity®
WISELI is available to present this workshop for faculty search committees at colleges and universities across the U.S. It can include a “train-the-trainer” module to ensure sustainability.