Women in STEMM Links


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UW–Madison Organizations for Women and Gender Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM)

UW–Madison Organizations Fostering Diversity

Research Institutes Studying Women in STEMM

Organizations Supporting Women in STEMM

National and Regional Academic Associations

Organizations for Work/Life and Human Resources

Other Resources

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Blogs, Podcasts, and Social Media Regarding Women in STEMM

Online Training, Talks, and Videos of Interest

Implicit Bias — General

Bias in Hiring and Peer Review

Women in STEMM

  • Jenna Carpenter, PhD, Louisiana Tech University on “Engineering — Where are the girls and why aren’t they here?” (TedxTalks Monroe, May 29, 2013)
  • Robin Lawson, Mechanical Engineer and co-founder of Lumen Electronic jewelry, “Engineering is Actually Girly.” (TedxTalks Madison, November 9, 2015).
  • Sharon Shattuck, Ian Cheney. Directors. Picture a Scientist. (Film Platform, 2020)
    This documentary film (1 hr, 37 mins) is  part of the UW-Madison library’s subscription to Academic Video Online.  It is available to member of the Madison community who will need to login with their NetID and password after following the link provided above.
  • Virginia Valian, PhD, Hunter College:  “Introduction to Gender Schemas

Women in Academia

Women in Leadership

  • Clayman Center for for Gender Research, Stanford University, “Voice and Influence” — a series of videos that aim “to empower men and women to be as effective as possible and to create organizations where all people can thrive.”
  • Sheryl Sandberg, MBA, COO Facebook on “Why we have too few women leaders” (Ted Talks, December 21, 2010).

Women in Innovation

UW–Madison Pay Equity Resources