This panel discussion aims to address the challenges women and other gender minorities face in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine), especially in the context of advancing their academic career, and will provide tools and resources to face these barriers. Through this facilitated discussion and networking, attendees will have the opportunity to create communities for guidance, support, and advocacy. This event is open to all postdocs, graduate students, and early career faculty/staff.
• Erin Lashnits, MS, DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM: Assistant Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine
• Keith Bechtol, Ph.D.: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, co-author of Astro2020 APC White Paper: Pursuing diversity, equity, and inclusion in multimessenger astronomy collaborations over the coming decade.
• Sigan Hartley, Ph.D.: Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, 100 Women Chair in Human Ecology
• Whitney Stevens-Sostre, Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Neuroscience, Founder of Black in Biophysics
• Filiz Yesilkoy, Ph.D.: Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Breakfast provided. This event will be held immediately before the 2023 UW-Madison Postdoctoral Research Symposium, and separate registration is required for each event.
Register for the panel discussion here by 9/12. Questions? Contact Jamie Hibbert (
Organized by the UW-Madison Postdoctoral Association. This event is made possible by a grant from WISELI, the UW-Madison Inclusion in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute. WISELI, a research institute at UW–Madison, aims to increase the representation, advancement, and satisfaction of women, gender minorities, and/or members of groups currently underrepresented on the faculty and in leadership at UW–Madison. For more information see: