Erin Winterrowd is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Women’s and Gender
Studies Program. She has taught at multiple universities but views Regis as her home. She strives to align her work with the Jesuit principles of cura (care) and the feminist ideals of praxis (practice or action) and community transformation. Dr. Winterrowd teaches courses in Abnormal Psychology, Clinical/Counseling Psychology, Research Methods and Behavioral Statistics, Manhood and Meaning, and Psychology of Gender. In her courses, she asks students to engage in not only what is (i.e., the pursuit of knowledge) but also what should or could be.
Dr. Winterrowd’s primary research focuses on access and inequity in STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and math), with studies grounded in local women’s experiences. She also researches
suicidality and the impact of gendered cultural scripts (norms, beliefs, and stereotypes) in self-harm across the lifespan. She is particularly interested in utilizing her clinical training to bridge research and practice, hosting workshops and facilitating interventions designed to translate study findings into actual “on the ground” change.
Dr. Winterrowd earned her BA in Psychology from Willamette University and a PhD in Counseling
Psychology, with a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies, from Colorado State University.