Celebrating Women and Gender Diversity in Science & Engineering — Budgetary Guidelines


We expect to receive requests for honoraria between $400 and $800. We will consider requests of higher honoraria for exceptional speakers when such a request is accompanied by written justification. The honorarium requested from WISELI’s Celebrating Women and Gender Diversity in Science and Engineering Grant Program may be supplemented by your department/organization through other funds.
Note:  If honoraria are not typically provided by your department, we strongly encourage you to provide honoraria because the invited speakers will be engaging in activities beyond those common in standard speaking engagements.

Departmental Co-Sponsorship

Because co-sponsorship is one way in which departments can demonstrate their support for ensuring equitable representation of women and gender diversity among departmental guest speakers, we include evidence of departmental support in our evaluation of grant proposals. In your budget, please indicate how your department will support your program. If your proposal is not a departmental event, or your unit/organization has no mechanism for providing funds, please include an explanation in your budget.

Travel Expenses

Please provide estimates of airfare. We recommend that you purchase airfare at least 30 days in advance. Please note that university policies only cover coach/economy fares and require all airfare purchased with university funds to be booked through the Concur booking tool or with the University’s contracted travel agency. Please visit this webpage for “Booking guest travel – airfare.”


Under university policies hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel, through the Concur booking tool, with the University’s contracted travel agency, or via AirBnb.  We strongly recommend that you make the reservation rather than asking your guest to make the reservation, cover the costs, and request reimbursement.
Please note: Lodging must be within an allowed maximum which is currently $131/night for Madison, WI.  You can check the current maximum using the Lodging and Per Diem Calculator.  Please visit this webpage for “Booking guest travel – lodging.”

Per Diem

Please use the UW Office of Business Services reimbursement (Policy: 202-Hosted Meals and Events) guidelines to estimate per diem expenses for your guests. They currently allow $60 per day: $12 for breakfast, $18 for lunch, and $30 for dinner – with some deductions for the first and last day of travel. See the Lodging and Per Diem Calculator.

Other Expenses

For receptions and hosted meals, please rely on the UW Office of Business Services guidelines and consult with your departmental financial administrator about policies and required documentation.