Effect of a Workshop to Break the Bias Habit for Internal Medicine Faculty: A Multisite Cluster Randomized Controlled Study

Carnes, Molly; Jennifer Sheridan; Eve Fine; You-Geon Lee; and Amarette Filut. 2023. “Effect of a Workshop to Break the Bias Habit for Internal Medicine Faculty: A Multisite Cluster Randomized Controlled Study.” Academic Medicine. Preprint: https://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Abstract/9900/Effect_of_a_Workshop_to_Break_the_Bias_Habit_for.456.aspx …

Improving Department Climate Through Bias Literacy: One College’s Experience

Sheridan, Jennifer; Eve Fine; Manuela Romero; Carmen Juniper Neimeko; Molly Carnes; Christine Bell; You-Geon Lee; and Casey Stockstill. 2021. Improving Department Climate Through Bias Literacy: One College’s Experience.”  Journal of Women and Minorities in Science …

Engaging Faculty in a Workshop Intervention on Overcoming the Influence of Implicit Bias

Carnes, Molly; Jennifer Sheridan; Eve Fine; You-Geon Lee; Amarette Filut; and Sharon Topp. 2021. “Engaging Faculty in a Workshop Intervention on Overcoming the Influence of Implicit Bias.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5(1), e135.

Teaching Academics About Microaggressions: A Workshop Model Adaptable to Various Audiences

Fine, Eve; Jennifer Sheridan; Christine Fabian Bell; Molly Carnes; Carmen Juniper Neimeko; and Manuela Romero. 2018. “Teaching Academics About Microaggressions: A Workshop Model Adaptable to Various Audiences.” Understanding Interventions Journal. In press.

Searching for Excellence & Diversity® Workshop: Improving Faculty Diversity by Educating Faculty Search Committees

Sheridan, Jennifer; Eve Fine; Molly Carnes; Amy Wendt; and Jo Handelsman. 2015. “Searching for Excellence & Diversity® Workshop: Improving Faculty Diversity by Educating Faculty Search Committees.” In Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft (C. Peus et al., Eds.) Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Effect of an Intervention to Break the Gender Bias Habit: A Cluster Randomized, Controlled Trial

Carnes, Molly; Patricia G. Devine; Linda Baier Manwell; Angela Byars-Winston; Eve Fine; Cecilia E. Ford; Patrick Forscher; Carol Isaac; Anna Kaatz; Wairimu Magua; Mari Palta; and Jennifer Sheridan. 2015. “Effect of an Intervention to Break the Gender Bias Habit: A Cluster Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Academic Medicine. 90(2): 221-230.

Minimizing the Influence of Gender Bias on the Faculty Search Process

Fine, Eve; Jennifer Sheridan; Molly Carnes; Jo Handelsman; Christine Pribbenow; Julia Savoy; and Amy Wendt. 2014. “Minimizing the Influence of Gender Bias on the Faculty Search Process.” In Advances in Gender Research: Gender Transformations in the Academy (Vasilikie Demos, Catherine White Berheide, and Marcia Texler Segal, Eds.) Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.