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Who Resembles a Scientific Leader-Jack or Jill? How Implicit Bias Could Influence Research Grant Funding
Kolehmainen, Christine and Molly Carnes. 2018. “Who Resembles a Scientific Leader-Jack or Jill? How Implicit Bias Could Influence Research Grant Funding.” Circulation. 137(8): 769-770. PMID: 29459461.
Why the Medical Research Grant System Could Be Costing Us Great Ideas
“Why the Medical Research Grant System Could Be Costing Us Great Ideas.” June 18, 2018. Aaron E. Carroll. The New York Times.
Men disproportionately win NIH’s plum award for young scientists
“Men disproportionately win NIH’s plum award for young scientists.” Meredith Wadman. May 15, 2018. Science Online doi:10.1126/science.aau1874.
How training doctors in implicit bias could save the lives of black mothers
“How training doctors in implicit bias could save the lives of black mothers.” Elizabeth Chuck. May 11, 2018. NBC News.
Interview with Professor Amy Wendt
(Interview with Professor Amy Wendt.) April 14, 2018. Yomiuri Newspaper.
Reviewers of NIH grants cannot distinguish the good from the great, study suggests
“Reviewers of NIH grants cannot distinguish the good from the great, study suggests.” Eric Hamilton. March 5, 2018. University of Wisconsin-Madison News.
Gender Matters
“Gender Matters.” Jennifer Blue, Adrienne L. Traxler, and Ximena C. Cid. Physics Today 71/3/40. March 2018.
Deeply entrenched gender bias in academic medicine is treatable
“Deeply entrenched gender bias in academic medicine is treatable.” February 27, 2018. Ted Bosworth. Clinical Psychiatry News.
New Initiatives Offer Jobs, Funding to Women Only
“New Initiatives Offer Jobs, Funding to Women Only.” Ashley Yeager. The Scientist. January 5, 2018.