Trademarks & Copyrights

In order to foster and advance women and minorities in academia, WISELI: University of Wisconsin-Madison Inclusion in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute® is committed to disseminating our materials and workshops to other academic institutions. Simultaneously, we are committed to protecting the reputation of our materials and to ensuring their appropriate use.  We expect anyone who relies on our materials when creating their own website, programs, resources, surveys, and publications to cite our relevant webpage/s, resources, and publications in their work.

  • If the intended used of our copyrighted materials is extensive, we require submission of a copyright request form–linked above–detailing how the materials will be used.
  • If the material you plan to incorporate is not extensive, and you are simply quoting or paraphrasing a sentence or two, a simple citation to the appropriate document will suffice. See the suggested citations tab below.

Our copyrighted materials include this website, all workshops and presentations, and all guidebooks and brochures. WISELI reserves the right to terminate or modify your permission for use and to take action against any use that does not conform to these terms and conditions, infringes on our intellectual property or other rights, or violates applicable law.

Extensive information regarding the terms and conditions for the use of WISELI’s copyrighted material can be found in the “Request permission to use copyrighted materials form” linked at the top of this page.

If you have questions or concerns after reviewing the form, please contact WISELI and we will be happy to consult with you.


WISELI holds the following trademarks:

  • Searching for Excellence and Diversity®
  • WISELI: Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute®
  • Breaking the Bias Habit®

Because we hold these trademarks, we ask that you do not use them as titles for any workshops or documents you develop. Please use these trademarks only when crediting WISELI for our contributions as indicated in the examples above. When using the trademarks, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Distinguish the trademark from the surrounding text in some manner by capitalizing or italicizing the entire mark, placing the mark in quotes, or using a different type style or font.
  • Follow the trademark with the symbol ® to identify the term as a registered trademark.

If you purchased the Breaking the Bias Habit® Workshop Toolkit, your purchase includes the right to use the trademarked title, but these guidelines still apply.

Here you will find suggested citations for WISELI’s Faculty Worklife Survey and its guidebooks and brochures.

Faculty Worklife Survey

Guidebooks and brochures

This is a partial list.  Please use the citations suggested below as a guide to cite materials not listed here.