Effect of a Workshop to Break the Bias Habit for Internal Medicine Faculty: A Multisite Cluster Randomized Controlled Study
Carnes, Molly; Jennifer Sheridan; Eve Fine; You-Geon Lee; and Amarette Filut. 2023. “Effect of a Workshop to Break the Bias Habit for Internal Medicine Faculty: A Multisite Cluster Randomized Controlled Study.” Academic Medicine. Preprint: https://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Abstract/9900/Effect_of_a_Workshop_to_Break_the_Bias_Habit_for.456.aspx …
Next Steps: Advocating for Women in Orthopaedic Surgery
Scerpella, Tamara A., Andrea M. Spiker, Cassandra A. Lee, Mary K. Mulcahey, and Molly L. Carnes. 2021. “Next Steps: Advocating for Women in Orthopaedic Surgery.” Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Published Ahead …
Improving Department Climate Through Bias Literacy: One College’s Experience
Sheridan, Jennifer; Eve Fine; Manuela Romero; Carmen Juniper Neimeko; Molly Carnes; Christine Bell; You-Geon Lee; and Casey Stockstill. 2021. Improving Department Climate Through Bias Literacy: One College’s Experience.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science …
Engaging Faculty in a Workshop Intervention on Overcoming the Influence of Implicit Bias
Carnes, Molly; Jennifer Sheridan; Eve Fine; You-Geon Lee; Amarette Filut; and Sharon Topp. 2021. “Engaging Faculty in a Workshop Intervention on Overcoming the Influence of Implicit Bias.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5(1), e135.
Teaching Academics About Microaggressions: A Workshop Model Adaptable to Various Audiences
Fine, Eve; Jennifer Sheridan; Christine Fabian Bell; Molly Carnes; Carmen Juniper Neimeko; and Manuela Romero. 2018. “Teaching Academics About Microaggressions: A Workshop Model Adaptable to Various Audiences.” Understanding Interventions Journal. In press.
Invited Commentary: Women’s Roles and Barriers to Leadership in the National Collegiate Athletic Association
Improving the leadership of sports medicine at colleges and universities is central to improving the programs for student athletes.
Gender, Race, and Grant Reviews: Translating and Responding to Research Feedback
Biernat, Monica; Molly Carnes; Amarette Filut; and Anna Kaatz. 2020. “Gender, Race, and Grant Reviews: Translating and Responding to Research Feedback.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Promises and Pitfalls of Diversity Statements: Proceed with Caution
Carnes, Molly; Eve Fine and Jennifer Sheridan. 2018. “Promises and Pitfalls of Diversity Statements: Proceed with Caution.” Academic Medicine. PMID: 30067539.
How Gender Stereotypes May Limit Female Faculty Advancement in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Rogus-Pulia, Nicole; Ianessa Humbert; Christine Kolehmainen; and Molly Carnes. 2018. “How Gender Stereotypes May Limit Female Faculty Advancement in Communication Sciences and Disorders.” American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 27(November): 1598-1611.
The American College of Physicians is Working Hard to Achieve Gender Equity, and Everyone Will Benefit
Carnes, Molly. 2018. “The American College of Physicians is Working Hard to Achieve Gender Equity, and Everyone Will Benefit.” Annals of Internal Medicine.
Low Agreement Among Reviewers Evaluating the Same NIH Grant Applications
Pier, Elizabeth L.; Markus Brauer; Amarette Filut; Anna Kaatz; Joshua Raclaw; Mitchell J. Nathan; Cecilia E. Ford; and Molly Carnes. 2018. “Low Agreement Among Reviewers Evaluating the Same NIH Grant Applications.” PNAS. 115(12): 2952-2957.
Who Resembles a Scientific Leader-Jack or Jill? How Implicit Bias Could Influence Research Grant Funding
Kolehmainen, Christine and Molly Carnes. 2018. “Who Resembles a Scientific Leader-Jack or Jill? How Implicit Bias Could Influence Research Grant Funding.” Circulation. 137(8): 769-770. PMID: 29459461.
The Impact of Unconscious Bias on Women’s Career Advancement
Filut, Amarette; Anna Kaatz; and Molly Carnes. 2017. “The Impact of Unconscious Bias on Women’s Career Advancement.” The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Expert Reviews Series on Advancing Women’s Empowerment.
Fair Play: A study of scientific workforce trainers’ experience playing an educational videogame about racial bias
Kaatz, Anna; Molly Carnes; Belinda Gutierrez; Julia Savoy; Clem Samuel; Amarette Filut; and Christine M. Pribbenow. 2017. “Fair Play: A study of scientific workforce trainers’ experience playing an educational videogame about racial bias.” CBE-Life Sciences Education. 16(2): 16ar27,1 – 16ar27,18. PMID: 28450447.
A Gender Bias Habit-Breaking Intervention Led to Increased Hiring of Female Faculty in STEMM Departments
Devine, Patricia G.; Patrick S. Forscher; William T. L. Cox; Anna Kaatz; Jennifer Sheridan; and Molly Carnes. 2017. “A Gender Bias Habit-Breaking Intervention Led to Increased Hiring of Female Faculty in STEMM Departments.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 73(Nov): 211-215.
Write More Articles, Get More Grants: The Impact of Department Climate on Faculty Research Productivity
Sheridan, Jennifer; Julia Savoy; Anna Kaatz; You-Geon Lee; Amarette Filut; and Molly Carnes. 2017. “Write More Articles, Get More Grants: The Impact of Department Climate on Faculty Research Productivity.” Journal of Women’s Health. 26(5): 587-596.
Are Female Applicants Disadvantaged in National Institutes of Health Peer Review? Combining Algorithmic Text Mining and Qualitative Methods to Detect Evaluative Differences in R01 Reviewers’ Critiques
Magua, Wairimu; Zhu, Xiaojin; Anupama Bhattacharya; Amarette Filut; Aaron Potvien; Renee Leatherberry; You-Geon Lee; Madeline Jens; Dastagiri Malikireddy; Molly Carnes; and Anna Kaatz. 2017. “Are Female Applicants Disadvantaged in National Institutes of Health Peer Review? Combining Algorithmic Text Mining and Qualitative Methods to Detect Evaluative Differences in R01 Reviewers’ Critiques.” Journal of Women’s Health. 26(4): 1-10.
Your Comments are Meaner Than Your Score’: Score calibration talk influences inter-panel variability during scientific grant peer review
Pier, Elizabeth L.; Joshua Raclaw; Anna Kaatz, M. Brauer, Molly Carnes; Mitchell J. Nathan; and Cecilia E. Ford. 2017. “’Your Comments are Meaner Than Your Score’: Score calibration talk influences inter-panel variability during scientific grant peer review.” Research Evaluation. 26(1): 1-14.
Women are Less Likely Than Men to be Full Professors in Cardiology: Why does this happen and how can we fix it?
Carnes, Molly and Bairey Merz. 2017. “Women are Less Likely Than Men to be Full Professors in Cardiology: Why does this happen and how can we fix it?” Invited editorial. Circulation. 135(6).
Advancing Women’s Health and Women’s Leadership with Endowed Chairs in Women’s Health
Carnes, Molly; Paula Johnson; Wendy Klein; Marjorie Jenkins; and Noel Bairey Merz. 2016. “Advancing Women’s Health and Women’s Leadership with Endowed Chairs in Women’s Health.” Academic Medicine. 92(2): 167-174.
Analysis of NIH R01 Application Critiques, Impact and Criteria Scores: Does the Sex of the Principal Investigator Make a Difference?
Kaatz, Anna; Y-G Lee; A. Potvien; Wairimu Magua; A. Filut; A. Bhattacharaya; R. Leatherberry; Xiaojin Zhu; and Molly Carnes. 2016. “Analysis of NIH R01 Application Critiques, Impact and Criteria Scores: Does the Sex of the Principal Investigator Make a Difference?” Academic Medicine. 91(8): 1080-1088.
Difficult Dialogues: Faculty Responses to a Gender Bias Literacy Training Program
Isaac, Carol; Linda Baier Manwell; Patricia G. Devine; Cecilia Ford; Jennifer T. Sheridan; and Molly Carnes. 2016. “Difficult Dialogues: Faculty Responses to a Gender Bias Literacy Training Program.” The Qualitative Report. 21(7):1243-1265.
Patterns of Feedback on the Bridge to Independence: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis of NIH Mentored Career Development Award Application Critiques
Kaatz, Anna; Melissa Dattalo; Caitlin Regner; Amarette Filut; and Molly Carnes. 2016. “Patterns of Feedback on the Bridge to Independence: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis of NIH Mentored Career Development Award Application Critiques.” Journal of Women’s Health. 25(1): 78-90.
Searching for Excellence & Diversity® Workshop: Improving Faculty Diversity by Educating Faculty Search Committees
Sheridan, Jennifer; Eve Fine; Molly Carnes; Amy Wendt; and Jo Handelsman. 2015. “Searching for Excellence & Diversity® Workshop: Improving Faculty Diversity by Educating Faculty Search Committees.” In Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft (C. Peus et al., Eds.) Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Why is John More Likely to Become Department Chair than Jennifer?
Carnes, Molly; Christie Bartels; Carol Isaac; Anna Kaatz; and Christine Kolehmainen. 2015. “Why is John More Likely to Become Department Chair than Jennifer?” American Clinical and Climatological Society. 126: 197–214.
Life Happens: The Vilas Life Cycle Professorship Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; Jo Handelsman; and Amy Wendt. 2015. “Life Happens: The Vilas Life Cycle Professorship Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” In Family Friendly Policies and Practices in Academe (Catherine R. Solomon and Erin K. Anderson, Eds.) Washington DC: Lexington Books.
Effect of an Intervention to Break the Gender Bias Habit: A Cluster Randomized, Controlled Trial
Carnes, Molly; Patricia G. Devine; Linda Baier Manwell; Angela Byars-Winston; Eve Fine; Cecilia E. Ford; Patrick Forscher; Carol Isaac; Anna Kaatz; Wairimu Magua; Mari Palta; and Jennifer Sheridan. 2015. “Effect of an Intervention to Break the Gender Bias Habit: A Cluster Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Academic Medicine. 90(2): 221-230.
Women at the Top: The Risks of Leading From a Glass Cliff
Kaatz, Anna and Molly Carnes. 2015. “Women at the Top: The Risks of Leading From a Glass Cliff.” Society for Cell Biology. Jan/Feb: 42-44. PMID: 26457160; PMCID: PMC459796.
We Specialize in Change Leadership: A Call for Hospitalists to Lead the Quest for Workforce Gender Equity
Sheehy, Ann M.; Christine Kolehmainen; and Molly Carnes. 2015. “We Specialize in Change Leadership: A Call for Hospitalists to Lead the Quest for Workforce Gender Equity.” Journal of Hospital Medicine. 10(8): 551-552.
Minimizing the Influence of Gender Bias on the Faculty Search Process
Fine, Eve; Jennifer Sheridan; Molly Carnes; Jo Handelsman; Christine Pribbenow; Julia Savoy; and Amy Wendt. 2014. “Minimizing the Influence of Gender Bias on the Faculty Search Process.” In Advances in Gender Research: Gender Transformations in the Academy (Vasilikie Demos, Catherine White Berheide, and Marcia Texler Segal, Eds.) Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
Gendered Expectations: Are We Unintentionally Undermining Our Efforts to Diversity STEM fields
Fine, Eve; Amy Wendt; Molly Carnes. 2014. “Gendered Expectations: Are We Unintentionally Undermining Our Efforts to Diversity STEM fields.” XRDS: Crossroads The ACM Magazine for Students. 20(4): 46-51.
Stuck in the Out-Group: Jennifer Can’t Grow Up, Jane’s Invisible, and Janet’s Over the Hill
Kaatz, Anna and Molly Carnes. 2014. “Stuck in the Out-Group: Jennifer Can’t Grow Up, Jane’s Invisible, and Janet’s Over the Hill.” Journal of Women’s Health. 23(6): 1-4.
Threats to Objectivity in Peer Review: The Case of Gender
Kaatz, Anna; Belinda Gutierrez; and Molly Carnes. 2014. “Threats to Objectivity in Peer Review: The Case of Gender.” Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 35(8): 371-373. PMID: 25086743.
Afraid of Being “Witchy with a ‘B’”: A Qualitative Study of How Gender Influences Residents’ Experiences Leading Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Kolehmainen, Christine; Meghan Brennan; Amarette Filut; Carol Isaac; and Molly Carnes. 2014. “Afraid of Being “Witchy with a ‘B’”: A Qualitative Study of How Gender Influences Residents’ Experiences Leading Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.” Academic Medicine. 89(9): 1-6. PMID: 24979289.
Revealing How a Videogame Can Change Players’ Implicit Racial Biases
Gutierrez, Belinda, Dennis Ramirez, Sarah Chu, Clem Samson-Samuel, and Molly Carnes. 2013. “Revealing How a Videogame Can Change Players’ Implicit Racial Biases.” Games+Learning+Society (GLS) Conference Proceedings, 2013. Madison, WI.
Searching for Excellence & Diversity®: Workshops for Search Committees
Fine, Eve and Molly Carnes. “Searching for Excellence & Diversity®: Workshops for Search Committees. GWIMS Watch (Summer, 2013): 7-8.
A Qualitative Study of Work-Life Choices in Academic Internal Medicine
Isaac, Carol; Angela Byars-Winston; R McSorley; A Schultz; Anna Kaatz; and Molly Carnes. 2013. “A Qualitative Study of Work-Life Choices in Academic Internal Medicine.” Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. Forthcoming. PMID: 23605099.
Physicians and Implicit Bias: How Doctors May Unwittingly Perpetuate Health Care Disparities
Chapman, E.N; Anna Kaatz; and Molly Carnes. 2013. “Physicians and Implicit Bias: How Doctors May Unwittingly Perpetuate Health Care Disparities.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. Forthcoming. PMID: 23576243.
Commentary: Are Men More Likely Than Women to Commit Scientific Misconduct? Maybe, Maybe Not
Kaatz, Anna; Paul N. Vogelman; and Molly Carnes. 2013. “Commentary: Are Men More Likely Than Women to Commit Scientific Misconduct? Maybe, Maybe Not.” MBio. 4(2): 1-2. PMID: 23532977.
Male Spouses of Women Physicians: Communication, Compromise, and Carving Out Time
Isaac, Carol; Kara Petrashek; Megan Steiner; Linda Baier Manwell; Angela Byars-Winston; and Molly Carnes. 2013. “Male Spouses of Women Physicians: Communication, Compromise, and Carving Out Time.” The Qualitative Report. 18(104):1-12.
Promoting Institutional Change Through Bias Literacy
Carnes, Molly; Patricia Devine; Carol Isaac; Linda Baier Manwell; Cecilia Ford; Angela Byars-Winston; Eve Fine; David Burke; and Jennifer Sheridan. 2012. “Promoting Institutional Change Through Bias Literacy.” Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. 5(2): 63-77. PMID: 22822416. PMCID: PMC3399596.
Pathfinder: Developing Prototypes Towards an Engaging Game to Reduce Implicit Bias
Ramirez, Dennis, Sarah Chu, Clem Samson-Samuel, Belinda Gutierrez, and Molly Carnes. 2012. “Pathfinder: Developing Prototypes Towards an Engaging Game to Reduce Implicit Bias.” In C. Martin, A. Ochsner, & K. Squire (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Annual Games+Learning+Society (GLS) Conference (pp. 431-437). Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press.
An Educational Intervention Designed to Increase Women’s Leadership Self-Efficacy
Isaac, Carol; Anna Kaatz; Barbara Lee; and Molly Carnes. 2012. “An Educational Intervention Designed to Increase Women’s Leadership Self-Efficacy.” CBE-Life Sciences Education. 11(3):307-322. PMID: 22949427.
Does Stereotype Threat Affect Women in Academic Medicine?
Burgess, Diana Jill.; Anne Joseph; Michelle van Ryn; and Molly Carnes. 2012. “Does Stereotype Threat Affect Women in Academic Medicine?” Academic Medicine. 87(4): 506-512. PMID: 22361794. NIHMSID: NIHMS353697.
What Would Patsy Mink Think?
Carnes, Molly. 2012. “What Would Patsy Mink Think?” Journal of the American Medical Association. 307(6):571-572. PMID: 22318277.
Deconstructing the Glass Ceiling
Isaac, Carol; Anna Kaatz; and Molly Carnes. 2012. “Deconstructing the Glass Ceiling.” Scientific Research/Sociology Mind. 2(1): 80-86.
Pathfinder: A Case Example of Designing an Engaging Game on Unconscious Bias
Gutierrez, Belinda, Sarah Chu, Dennis Paiz-Ramirez, Kurt Squire, and Molly Carnes. 2011. “Pathfinder: A Case Example of Designing an Engaging Game on Unconscious Bias.” In Proceedings of the 5th Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Conference, Think Design Play. Hilversum, Netherlands: DiGRA/Utrecht School of the Arts.
Do Students’ and Authors’ Genders Affect Evaluations? A Linguistic Analysis of Medical Student Performance Evaluations
Isaac, Carol; J. Chertoff; B. Lee; and Molly Carnes. 2011. “Do Students’ and Authors’ Genders Affect Evaluations? A Linguistic Analysis of Medical Student Performance Evaluations.” Academic Medicine. 86(1): 1-8. PMID: 21099389. PMCID: PMC3321359.
A Richer and More Diverse Future for Cell Biology
Schmid, Sandra L.; Molly Carnes; Ursula Goodenough; Nancy Hopkins; Phoebe LeBoy; Sandra Masur; and Virginia Valian. 2010. “A Richer and More Diverse Future for Cell Biology.” ASCB 50th Anniversary Essay. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 21(22): 3821-3822. PMID: 21079029. PMCID: PMC2995004.
Searching for Excellence & Diversity: Increasing the Hiring of Women Faculty at One Academic Medical Center
Sheridan, Jennifer; Eve Fine; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Jo Handelsman; Molly Carnes. 2010. “Searching for Excellence & Diversity: Increasing the Hiring of Women Faculty at One Academic Medical Center.” Academic Medicine. 85(6):999-1007.
The Tenure Process and Extending the Tenure Clock: The Experience of Faculty at One University
Pribbenow, Christine Maidl; Jennifer Sheridan; Jessica Winchell; Deveny benting; Jo Handelsman; and Molly Carnes. 2010. “The Tenure Process and Extending the Tenure Clock: The Experience of Faculty at One University.” Higher Education Policy. 23:17-38
A Qualitative Study of Faculty Members’ Views of Women Chairs
Isaac, Carol; Griffin, L; and Molly Carnes. 2010. “A Qualitative Study of Faculty Members' Views of Women Chairs.” Journal of Women’s Health. 19(3):533-46.
Commentary: Deconstructing Gender Difference
Carnes, Molly. 2010. “Commentary: Deconstructing Gender Difference.” Academic Medicine. 85(4):575-577.
Women’s Health and Women’s Leadership in Academic Medicine: Hitting the Same Glass Ceiling?
Carnes, Molly; Claudia Morrissey; and Stacie E. Geller. 2008. “Women’s Health and Women’s Leadership in Academic Medicine: Hitting the Same Glass Ceiling?” Journal of Women’s Health. 17(9): 1453-1462.
Searching for Excellence & Diversity: Does Training Faculty Search Committees Improve Hiring of Women?
Sheridan, Jennifer; Eve Fine; Jessica Winchell; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Molly Carnes; and Jo Handelsman. 2007. “Searching for Excellence & Diversity: Does Training Faculty Search Committees Improve Hiring of Women?” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2007 Conference Proceedings. June 2007.
Climate Change at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: What Changed, and Did ADVANCE Have an Impact?
Sheridan, Jennifer; Christine Maidl Pribbenow; Eve Fine; Jo Handelsman; and Molly Carnes. 2007. “Climate Change at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: What Changed, and Did ADVANCE Have an Impact?” Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network (WEPAN) 2007 Conference Proceedings. June 2007.
Can the Language of Tenure Criteria Influence Women’s Academic Advancement?
Marchant, Angela; Abhik Bhattacharya; and Molly Carnes. 2007. “Can the Language of Tenure Criteria Influence Women’s Academic Advancement?” Journal of Women’s Health. 16(7): 998-1003.
Jennifer Fever in Academic Medicine
Carnes, Molly and JudyAnn Bigby. 2007. “Jennifer Fever in Academic Medicine.” Journal of Women’s Health. 16(3):299-301.
A Challenge to Academic Centers and the NIH to Prevent Unintended Gender Bias in Selection of CTSA Leaders
Carnes, Molly and Carole Bland. 2007. “A Challenge to Academic Centers and the NIH to Prevent Unintended Gender Bias in Selection of CTSA Leaders.” Academic Medicine. 82(2):202-206.
Discovering Directions for Change in Higher Education Through the Experiences of Senior Women Faculty
Sheridan, Jennifer; Patricia Flately Brennan; Molly Carnes; and Jo Handelsman. 2006. “Discovering Directions for Change in Higher Education Through the Experiences of Senior Women Faculty.” Journal of Technology Transfer. 31(3): 387-396.
Gender: Macho Language and Other Deterrents
Carnes, Molly. 2006. “Gender: Macho Language and Other Deterrents.” Letter to the Editor. Nature. 442:868.
NIH Director’s Pioneer Awards: Could the Selection Process be Biased Against Women?
Carnes, Molly; Stacie Geller; Evelyn Fine; Jennifer Sheridan; and Jo Handelsman. 2005. “NIH Director’s Pioneer Awards: Could the Selection Process be Biased Against Women?” Journal of Women’s Health. 14(8):684-691. PMID: 16232100.
More Women in Science
Handelsman, Jo; Nancy Cantor; Molly Carnes; Denice Denton; Eve Fine; Barbara Grosz; Virginia Hinshaw; Cora Marrett; Sue Rosser; Donna Shalala; and Jennifer Sheridan. 2005. "More Women in Science." Science. 309(5738):1190-1191.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison ADVANCE Program: Progress to Date
Sheridan, Jennifer; Molly Carnes; and Jo Handelsman. 2003. “The University of Wisconsin-Madison ADVANCE Program: Progress to Date.” Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network (WEPAN) 2003 Conference Proceedings. June 2003.
Gender Differences Among Physician-Scientists in Self-Assessed Abilities to Perform Clinical Research
Bakken, Lori L.; Jennifer Sheridan; and Molly Carnes. 2003. “Gender Differences Among Physician-Scientists in Self-Assessed Abilities to Perform Clinical Research.” Academic Medicine. 78(12):1281-6.
NIH Director’s Pioneer Awards: Could the Selection Process be Biased Against Women?
Carnes, Molly; Stacie Geller; Evelyn Fine; Jennifer Sheridan; and Jo Handelsman. 2005. “NIH Director’s Pioneer Awards: Could the Selection Process be Biased Against Women?” Journal of Women’s Health. 14(8):684-691.
Discovering Directions for Change in Higher Education Through the Experiences of Senior Women Faculty
Sheridan, Jennifer; Patricia Flately Brennan; Molly Carnes; and Jo Handelsman. 2006. “Discovering Directions for Change in Higher Education Through the Experiences of Senior Women Faculty.” Journal of Technology Transfer. 31(3): 387-396.